This is a new ongoing series that I am shooting in my spare time.
I started it as a way to motivate myself into taking photographs everyday. I shoot this series with a NIkon D3000 which is the first DSLR camera I started using when I entered college.
At some point this particular camera wasn't able to connect to regular lenses and I brought a new camera. I eventually realized that if I got a manual lens I would still be able to use this camera. And that manual lens was a fixed focal length of:
This camera is a lot smaller and lightweight then the new one I got so its a lot easier to carry around with me everyday. The fixed lens works as a sort of challenge an obstacle if you will as there's only so much that can be in the frame making for interesting corps and angles.
I tend to shoot this series during sunset/night time when I'm by myself and the world seems just a bit more quiet. I like how desolate the world seems when there's no one around.